
Talking about sleep!

March 16th- 22nd

Hi everybody!

Due to the current situation, our class is upgraded.
Here you will find interesting videos, articles and activities to spend your time productively and keep in touch with English!
As we are currently spending a lot of our time at home, sleeping is everybody's favourite activity! Let's find out some interesting facts about it.

Watch the video

now answer the questions:

1. Why is it hard for teenagers to get the sleep they need?
2. How does sleep deprivation affect teenagers' school life?
3. What kind of impact does sleep have on behavioral or social development?
4. How can parents help their children get the hours of sleep they need?

Answer here

Check some interesting facts about sleep.


So, are you sleep deprived? Let's find out.

Last but not least, watch the video and take the vocabulary quiz 

Finally, match the words with the definitions.

1.power nap
2.doze off
3. insomnia
4. being fast asleep
5. black out

a. walk around and perform other actions while sleeping
b. a short sleep taken during a working day to restore mental awareness
c. to sleep deeply
d. to fall into a light sleep, especially during daytime
e. to lose consciousness or memory for a short  time
f. trouble sleeping 

Write your answers here. 

Do the test with your family and share the results on your canvas. 
How different are the sleeping habits of your family members? 
What are the factors which determine the differences?

Share here.

Have fun!!


The Write Right Project and Chef Dreams

Find the  essays from Mr McNulty's class in the link below and give feedback to the respective writing.

Joanna 1
Dimitra 2
Christina 3
Athena 4
Prokopis 5

John 7
Irene 8
Margaret 9
Annie 10
Debbie 11
Silia 12
Marianne 1


The International Space Station at our service!

As we speak the Internatiomnal Space Station is in orbit!
Our school has been given permission to ask the Station to take photos of the Earth for us!
Which place of the planet would you like to take a picture of?

Here's what you do to take YOUR photos
1. Log in the EarthKam website

2. Login under MISSION LOGIN using "winners" as username and "hFfqgGiJ" as password

3. In the next page click on "Image Request"

4. Chose the orbit that goes over the Earth spot you want to take a picture of.
The orbits for November 14th are Orbits 1806-1820.
The first orbit deadline is: Orbit 1806 at 16:49:46 GMT
The last orbit deadline is: Orbit 1810- 1820 at 23:00:00 GMT

The orbits for November 15th are Orbits 1821-1838.
The first orbit deadline is: Orbit 1821 at 16:03:23 GMT
The last orbit deadline is: Orbit 1826-1838 at 23:00:00 GMT

5. Place the red marker on the spot of the map that you want to photograph and click submit
(Remember to chose a RED orbit that shows where the International Space Station will be during daylight.
All the information you need for step 7 appears on the screen. Click "Submit"

6. In the next screen enter one of your codewords.

7. Fill in the information from th previous page.
Remember to give your photo the name "winners+your name"

*. Click "Submit" and ISS is at YOUR service!
Your photo will appear in the Gallery section as soon as it's taken!

Grab your codes and take your camera with you!